If you are a performing artist Body Dysmorphia is most likely a thing you live with. 

Now I’m not saying that you cry every time you look in a mirror, but it could be something like wishing you had a smaller bone structure or irrationally damning a clothing store for only catering too runway models or small Asian men.

Personally I have had my own struggles with this. 

At my heaviest I topped out at 400lbs.  I was unhealthy, unhappy, and unmotivated. 

Then I found Acting.

I am no longer 400lbs.

The problem is I will always view myself as an obese person.  It’s strange but the smaller I become the bigger I feel.

This is irrational. 

As long as you are working out, eating right, and are actively improving you are fine. Self improvement is one of the keys to success in our industry. 

Being a continual work in progress is not a negative thing.  In fact being a work in progress is what we as artists must always be.  No matter what point you are in your career actively improving all aspects of yourself can only help move you forward.  

As for the Dysmorphia what helps me knuckle through all of my irrational neurosis is being a work in progress.  I can not control how I look.  That is just a random combination of genetics.  I can control my health, fitness, level of training, etc.

You are fine.  Now go make yourself even better 🙂